


/Industry Connect with Paul Battison CEO, Groundwork APPS
WEBNARS Industry Connect with Paul Battison CEO,  Groundwork APPS

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Industry Connect with Paul Battison CEO, Groundwork APPS

14 Dec 2023, 1:30 PM

Zoom Meeting


Engage in a conversation between Paul Battison, CEO and founder of Groundwork Apps and, Manika Goyal, founder of Intellicloud Solutions, where they explore the advantageous applications of AI for coders. 

Join them as they share their insights on leveraging AI effectively, drawing from their experiences with Salesforce. Discover strategies for enhancing coding proficiency and participate in this dynamic exchange where they offer valuable advice and address your questions live.

Paul is the CEO and founder of Groundwork Apps, a Salesforce ISV partner. He is a 9-time Salesforce MVP and Hall of Fame member and holds 20 Salesforce certifications. 

Paul has also authored two books on Salesforce programming and runs the CloudBitesTV YouTube channel.

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